Changed Thru The Word |
Changed Thru The Word |
One of the definitions of the word watch is: “to guard, to tend, or oversee, especially for protection or safekeeping”. This chubby tabby cat watched me cautiously on my recent early morning venture while searching for interesting photos. As his keen eyes followed me, I was reminded of Scripture which speak of the watchful eyes of my Loving Father ~ “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go (Genesis 28:15). I will advise you and watch over you (Psalm 32:8). I will watch over your life (Psalm 121:7). I will hold you by your hand and watch over you (Isaiah 42:6). Tabby didn’t seem to feel safe being watched because as I slowly approached, he slowly disappeared into the nearby bushes. I still thought tabby and his photo deserved spotlight, and a great example of my Loving Fathers’ watchful Eye!
Heavenly Father, For Your keen eyes that watch over, keep me safe, and follow me wherever I go, I am truly grateful. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Photo: Tabby Cat Taken at: Virginia Zoo, Norfolk, Va.
February 2025